Hearing Loss in My Golden Years: A Senior’s Struggle

Hearing Loss

Hearing loss was never something I ever thought would be an issue for me. I never attended loud concerts, I never used headphones and I generally thought I took quite good care of my ears. However, over the past decade, my world has gradually become quieter, not because the world around me is any less vibrant, but because my ability to hear has diminished. Conversations, once effortlessly enjoyable, have turned into a daily battle. I’ve found myself nodding along and pretending to understand, fearing that asking people to repeat themselves would be perceived as a nuisance.

Hearing loss can be incredibly isolating. I’ve skipped family gatherings, social events, and even intimate conversations with loved ones because I feared I wouldn’t be able to keep up. Isolation crept into my life, as I began to miss out on crucial moments and precious connections with those I cherish.

Every interaction became a puzzle. I’d strain to decipher words, constantly feeling like I was missing the punchline or the heart of the story. Frustration brewed as I struggled to piece together conversations, and the result was often miscommunication and misunderstandings.

Hearing loss has also introduced new safety concerns into my life. Emergency sirens, smoke alarms, and even simple warnings from loved ones became difficult to perceive. I realized that not hearing crucial safety information could be a genuine threat to my well-being.

As with every challenge I have encountered over the course of my life, I wasn’t going to sit back and do nothing about this problem while the world passed me by. I’ve discovered strategies and resources that have helped me and I hope they help you too.

First of all, Learning to communicate effectively with others has been transformative. I’ve started asking people to face me and speak clearly, and it’s amazing how accommodating people can be when they understand your struggle.

Hearing Aids: My hearing aids have been my lifeline. Modern technology has made them discreet, comfortable, and highly effective. They’ve allowed me to regain my sense of connection and participation. Below are some links to some excellent and budget-friendly hearing aid options that can be found on amazon.ca. I’ve also included a link to a handy device that attaches my hearing aid to my glasses!


Embracing Technology: I’ve embraced technology, using apps and devices designed for individuals with hearing loss. Below you can find two great speech to text transcriber apps for your phone or tablet.

If you are an ANDRIOD user click the link below.

ANDRIOD Speech to Text app

If you use an Apple product, such as an iPhone or iPad, click the link below.

APPLE speech to text app

Nutrition and Supplements: One final piece of advice I have for you, is to try a product like Cortexi Hearing Drops. They have offered hearing support to men and women of all ages for many years and can greatly improve symptoms of tinnitus and contribute to overall ear health. Cortexi Hearing Drops have been created with a blend of 20 carefully selected natural ingredients to support hearing health and you can rest assured knowing it’s manufactured in the United States in a state-of-the-art FDA registered and GMP certified facility.




Hearing loss is a significant struggle for seniors like me. It can lead to isolation, communication breakdowns, and safety concerns but it’s essential to remember that there are ways to cope and improve our quality of life. Seeking professional help, utilizing hearing aids, employing effective communication strategies, and taking care of your ear health can make all the difference. It is also important not to ignore the issue. When treated early using products like Cortexi Hearing Drops, you can not only heal some of the damage that has already taken place but you can prevent the issue from becoming worse over time.